Drawings > Weather Reports

Everything (2030), September 27, 2021, Paraguay (Drought, climate change and deforestation)
Everything (2030), September 27, 2021, Paraguay (Drought, climate change and deforestation)
Mineral pigment and watercolor on Arches paper
8"x 10"

Downriver from Port Trociuk in the fishing town of Ayolas, fisherman Claudio Domínguez described excruciating economic difficulties for ordinary families as he gathered bait in the shallows.

“There are barely any fish … really nothing. It’s been like this for four months,” he said.

“Everything depends on the river. We all depend on it,” Domínguez said.

Costa, Williams. 2021. "Paraguay on the brink as historic drought depletes river, its life-giving artery" Guardian. September 27, 2021.