Drawings > Weather Reports

River (2030), September 4, 2021, Paraná River, Argentina (Drought, deforestation, climate change)
River (2030), September 4, 2021, Paraná River, Argentina (Drought, deforestation, climate change)
Mineral pigment and watercolor on Fabiano watercolor paper
9"x 12"

The river, an economic lifeline in South America, has shrunk significantly amid a severe drought, and the effects are damaging lives and livelihoods along its banks and well beyond.

“I didn’t catch a single fish,” said the 68-year-old fisherman, Juan Carlos Garate, pointing to patches of grass sprouting where there used to be water. “Everything is dry.”

Politi, Daniel. 2021. “An Economic Lifeline in South America, the Paraná River, Is Shriveling” The New York Times. September 4, 2021.