Drawings > Weather Reports

Waters (2040), August 9, 2021, Globe (Climate change)
Waters (2040), August 9, 2021, Globe (Climate change)
Mineral pigment and watercolor on Arches paper

Climate science has advanced rapidly, but climate action has not.

With the AR6 report, the IPCC is building on assessments in recent years that tackled specific issues, such as the shrinking window in which the world could keep future warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. The IPCC also studied climate change impacts on oceans and frozen regions and the strain on the world's food and water supplies from rising temperatures.

These reports helped ignite a global movement, most notably among young people, demanding that world leaders do more to uphold their commitments under the Paris agreement before time runs out.

Irafan, Umair., Leber, Rebecca. 2021. "The devastating new UN report on climate change, explained" Vox. August 9, 2021.