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Homes (2050), July 8, 2021, Atami City, Shizuoka, Japan (Heavy rains & Mudslides)
Homes (2050), July 8, 2021, Atami City, Shizuoka, Japan (Heavy rains & Mudslides)
Mineral pigment and watercolor on Canson Montval watercolor paper

Officials say at least 54,000 cubic meters had been used to fill a valley in roughly the area where the mudslide began. That accounts for about half the amount of mud that flowed down, racing over a concrete barricade that had been built upstream and smashing into the community below.

Kamata, Tomoko. 2021. "Atami mudslides: landfill soil may have triggered the disaster" NHK World Japan. July 8, 2021.